Suppressed Nation
Suppressed Nation 29 Jan 2020

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Thunder Beast shooting event in Virginia

In General

Hansohn Brothers hosted a Thunder Beast shooting event in Virginia this summer at a local Range. It was a hot and humid day but even being a Thursday event, 50+ people came out to shoot. Not only was Ray from Thunder Beast present but also Scott from Accuracy International. You want to talk about a perfect package, Accuracy International + TBAC = PERFECTION 😍.

We did some plinking from 100 out to 1100 with various size targets. The guys from range calling out our shots walking us right in with ease.
Really sorry we didn't get more video but when you have shooting lanes open and they tell you to shoot, the cameras went down and we were pulling triggers!

As we were packing up to head home the guys asked if we wanted to stretch those Accuracy International rifles out to 1 mile. Uhh YES!! So Joey, Chris Hansohn, Will Tate and myself all for the very first time rung steel at 1 mile!!

We are hoping this can become a yearly event, so be on the look out for post on here, Instagram and facebook alerting you to the next shoot!! Hansohn Brothers also will be working to get dates with other manufactures as well .
Thanks for watching.

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