GunFreedomRadio 04 Sep 2024

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Training Virtually Everywhere with Melonie Kennedy "“ GunFreedomRadio EP462

In General

Our guest today is Melonie Kennedy. Melonie is an author, certified firearms instructor, and certified trauma-informed yoga and breathwork instructor. As an author and editor, Melonie's work has appeared in a variety of media, both online and in print, from poetry anthologies and trade journals to books and magazines, like LadyShooter LifeStyles magazine.
1) How do you reconcile being a firearms instructor and a yoga teacher? Many people might consider those two diametrically opposed.
2) What does the term "Trauma-Informed Instructor" mean?
3) Why do you think women's firearm training organizations, such as AWA, are important?
- What role do they play in helping women integrate into the firearms community?
4) How did you become involved with Armed Women of America? Why create an online chapter when AWA already has in-person chapters across the country, in almost every state? How can ladies join AWA, either the AVO chapter or an in-person chapter near them?
5) Tell us about your writing, and specifically your recent article in Lady Shooter Lifestyles Magazine.
Originally Aired 9.4.24

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