OreGear 30 Jul 2018

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TRIGGEREDcon - Why I Won't be Going to TriggrCon (For Now)

In General

Emails from last year:

Mr. _________,

This morning we were conversing through facebook comments about the policy during the show of no guns, knives, or weapons being allowed into the convention. You invited me to email you to discuss it, so here I am.

I don't expect you to remember everyone you approved as media to cover the show so just FYI, I did have a media badge and filmed numerous videos during the convention. I plan on making a video specifically about the policy to restrict the possession of legally concealed firearms. Since you offered to talk, consider this a formal request for comment. Everything included in our conversation will be considered by me to be on the record and fair game for inclusion in the video.

The main points I plan on bringing up are as follows.
-The choice to rent space from a location with enforced (bag checks/metal detectors) no guns policies does nothing to further the cause of the 2nd amendment.
-Other conventions (such as the NRA annual meetings) specifically choose venues that will allow the legal carry of firearms.
-There is no incentive for the ridiculous policies in Tacoma, WA to change as long as "pro gun" events continue to funnel the city and convention center money.

I will be encouraging my viewers to not attend any TriggrCon events so long as you continue to restrict our right to self defense.

I know your rebuttal so far has been,"the alternative is to move this show to another city like Las Vegas, charge $50 to attend and restrict it to industry professionals only or force them to buy an annual membership."

I would argue that these are false equivalencies. If you've never attended SHOT Show, they do have a policy of no firearms on the floor of the show, however there is no enforcement of this policy. There are no metal detectors or bag checks.
As far as an annual membership, which I assume is a reference to the NRA, that membership does far more than just gain admission into a convention or trade show. That membership goes toward the furthering of our rights as Americans. To imply that the only reason that fee exists is to fund a convention is, in my opinion, intentionally misleading.

As a proud native of the Pacific Northwest, I would like nothing more than to have a show like this in my own back yard that I can support. Unfortunately the current attitude of indifference towards our rights as law abiding citizens of the United States does not allow me to support your event. The right to bear arms is constantly under attack and I see your willingness to appease the regulations in Tacoma, Washington as a surrender and furthers the cause of the anti gun movement.

I'm looking forward to hearing your comments,
Ryan Miller


We were under the understanding from the show that there would be NO metal detectors at all at the show. But they insisted that "wanding" was never discussed and not considered "metal detectors". This was not of course made clear until a few weeks from the show and we already had all of our vendors send their booths to our show so we could not reasonably cancel the show due to this oversight, which we take full responsibility for not properly securing.

Our next event, will NOT cater to this policy, and we are seeking a facility that will allow us to conduct our show, with our rights intact. Period. Our next show will not allow this and we will make sure our lawyers make this am emphasis in our agreement.

Please feel free to quote me as that is my personal promise to my vendors and it's attendee's for next years show. We feel very strongly about this issue, and we stand with our patrons and vendors.


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