GunRights4Illinois 25 Nov 2018

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US Army TV Series, "The Big Picture" 1962 - The National Rifle Association NRA

In General

Times have changed. At one point in our history it was patriotic to be a gun owner. In fact, the United States Army even praised the National Rifle Association. However, the more things change the more they stay the same.

The relevancy and importance of an armed public, who is not only armed capable of using their firearms, has not changed, and shall never change. The only thing that has changed is public opinion which has swayed because of feelings and fear mongering.

If not for the armed civilian, there would be no United States of America today, nor in the future.

"Since the discovery of America by Columbus, the rifle has played a significant role in helping our great country fight for and maintain its freedom. This video offers a moving insight into the history of the rifle and the part it has played in our nation's development."

NRA 'To Keep and Bear Arms' 1962 US Army; National Rifle Association; The Big Picture TV 557

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