Patriot InTheDark
Patriot InTheDark 17 Sep 2024

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US Constitution Day 馃嚭馃嚫 Bicentennial reconfirming the US Constitution 猸愶笍 Ronald Reagan 1987 * PITD

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Constitution Day 馃嚭馃嚫 Bicentennial reconfirming the US Constitution 猸愶笍 #RonaldReagan 1987 * #PITD the United States #ConstitutionDay
September 16, 1987
When #GeorgeWashington was elected as the first President of the United States, the total population of the country was nearly 4 million. Today there are over 5 million Federal employees. Times have changed. But the basic premise of the Constitution hasn't changed. It's still our blueprint for freedom. One of our more able statesmen and constitutional lawyers, Daniel Webster, once wrote: ``We may be tossed upon an ocean where we can see no land nor, perhaps, the Sun or stars. But there is a chart and a compass for us to study, to consult, and obey. The chart is the Constitution.''
Two hundred years ago the very notion of Free #SelfGovernment was a new idea. But #JamesMadison, a man whom many call the Father of the Constitution, urged his fellow citizens not to oppose the idea simply because it was new. He argued that it was the glory of the American people that they were not blindly bound to the past but were willing to rely on ``their own good sense'' and experience in charting the future. It's interesting that Madison and others had to defend the Constitution because it was new. Times have changed. For over 200 years we've lived with #FreedomUnderLaw, and perhaps, we've become complacent about it. We should never forget how rare and precious freedom is
Active and informed citizens are vital to the effective functioning of our #ConstitutionalSystem. All of us have an obligation to study the Constitution and participate actively in the system of self-government that it establishes. This is an obligation we owe, not only to ourselves but to our children and their children. And there is no better time than right now, during the next 4 years of the #bicentennial, to rededicate ourselves to the Constitution and values it contains.
Let us never forget that the signers of the Declaration of Independence acted with "a firm reliance on the protection of #divineprovidence.'' One hundred years ago, on the occasion of the centennial of the Constitution, another President, Grover Cleveland, accepted the privilege that I have been given here today: to honor the Constitution. And his words are as true now as they were then. He said: ``When we look down upon 100 years and see the origin of our Constitution, when we contemplate all its trials and triumphs, when we realize how completely the principles upon which it is based have met every national need and national peril, how devoutly should we say with Franklin `God governs in the affairs of men.'''
And now, Stephanie, Damien, Brian, Tyese, would you join me and everybody here and everybody watching and listening throughout the land as we recite the words that we all know by heart: the Pledge of Allegiance.

Full Transcript:
If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please leave them below. Thanks for watching and make it an outstanding day! *** I am a proud American, blessed father, a staunch 2A activist and a Marine Corps Veteran that just happens to be 100% blind. This is a look at the Second Amendment, firearms, self Defense, Constitutionally protected rights, Liberty and Freedom from the perspective of a Visually Impaired, Blind American.
[email protected]
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