Forgotten Weapons
Forgotten Weapons 11 Aug 2022

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Utreon: Good Video Hosting for Both Viewers & Creators

In General

I have mentioned Utreon before, but I want to take a moment to do so again. The site continues to grow and improve, and it has a bunch of features that are actually better than YouTube and Patreon - something virtually no other alternative hosting site can claim.

Utreon is fundamentally a combination of independent video hosting and voluntary paid channel subscriptions (YouTube + Patreon). In a nutshell, its benefits are:

- Political & technological independence
- Based on transparency and fairness
- Solid featureset
- Real investor capital to allow it to build a sustainable model as it grows
- Not gun-specific

Utreon is still a small site, tiny compared to a behemoth like YouTube. But it continues to grow and improve, and it is a solid platform for creators to use and earn income on today as a backup or an alternative for a YouTube channel.

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