Patriot InTheDark
Patriot InTheDark 11 Apr 2019

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VIP Tag * Visually Impaired Person Top 10 Questions

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VIP Tag * Visually Impaired Person Top 10 questions
This is my response to the #VisuallyImpairedPerson #VIP Tag Challenge. It consists of 10 questions concerning a person's Visual Impairments. They are as follows:
1. What Medical condition caused your visual impairment?
2. What 3 words describe your vision?
3. What is the worst thing about being visually impaired?
4. What is the best thing about being visually impaired?
5. Do you use a cane, guide dog or neither?
6. What advice would you give to someone who is losing their vision?
7. What advice would you give a sighted person who interacts with a visually impaired person?
8. What made you start creating videos on YouTube?
9. What question do you get asked the most about your visual impairment?
10. Call out 3 visually impaired people to do the VIP tag.

I hope this opens up some dialog between my sighted and visually impaired friends. I look forward to seeing Blind Shooters VIP video!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Make sure to check out my Descriptive Video Series as well as the Blind Challenge.
A look at the Second Amendment, firearms, self Defense and Constitutionally protected rights from the perspective of a Blind American.

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Disclaimer: No purchase necessary, must abide by all state and federal laws. Void where prohibited. No Puppies or sighted people were hurt during the filming of this video. There's no obligations; contractual or implied.

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