Ghost Tactical
Ghost Tactical 27 Dec 2018

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Walther PPQ Sub-Compact Pushed To It's Limits: 2,000 Round Review

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Walther PPQ Sub-Compact Pushed To It's Limits: 2,000 Round Review

#GhostTactical #WaltherPPQsc #2000rounds

In this video, we go over our 2,000 round review of the Walther PPQ SC (Sub-Compact). We used many types of ammo, ranging from inexpensive to high-end. We also used Hollow Point and Polymer tipped ammo, as well. Once again, a HUGE Thank you to Cody and Walther Arms for sending me this beautiful gun!

Ghost Tactical Productions
Credit: Trey Miller
Contact: [email protected]

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TN.Frank 6 years ago

Absolutely love my PPS M2, it's my daily EDC pistol and with me constantly. I carry with the 6 round magazine in place plus one in the chamber for a total of 7 rounds and I also carry 2, 8 round magazines in pocket mag carriers, one in each front pocket. I had to send my gun back for a drop safety upgrade, got it back within a week, very fast turn around time. I've also added a set of XS Big Dot 24/7 night sights but the trigger was great right out of the box. Good review, Thanks.

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