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Patriot InTheDark 23 Jul 2024

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We The People Pt 1/2 馃嚭馃嚫 Reagan Bush Rally Warren, MI 猸愶笍 Ronald Reagan 1984 * PITD

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We The People Pt 1/2 馃嚭馃嚫 Reagan Bush Rally Warren, MI 猸愶笍 #RonaldReagan 1984 * #PITD
October 10, 1984
I expect an exciting contest, but then that's kind of what October's all about this year. But there are many things to talk about this October. On the way here, I was thinking of how to sum up 3\1/2\ years of effort by the American people to turn our economy and our nation around, how to sum up your success. And it seems to me that the past 3\1/2\ years have been an historic time in our country, a time of great renewal. Our nation has hope again, opportunity abounds, the #AmericanDream is reborn. And this is what I would call the overview. But would you like the facts to back it up?
Well, we're enjoying the strongest #EconomicExpansion in 30 years. We've created more than 6 million new jobs in the last 22 months. And 600,000 #NewBusinesses were incorporated last year alone. And here in your State, in Michigan, brave technologies for men and women are putting forward advanced technologies, modernizing our world and our older industries, working to create new hopes, new jobs, and new dreams. And with labor and management pulling together with renewed confidence and spirit, our competitors are about to learn that once Americans put our minds to it, once we're provided the proper tools and equipment, we can outproduce, out compete, and outsell anybody, anytime, anywhere in the world.
Now, none of this great #NationalRenewal happened by accident. It wasn't a matter of chance. Our renewal was the result of a policy aimed at lightening the #TaxBurden on the American people. That's what helped get our economy moving again. And we intend to simplify the tax system so that we can push #IncomeTax rates further down, not up, and keep the expansion going.
Now, it's tempting to figure, when you hear that, that it's the other fellow's taxes that'll be raised. But let me tell you, they've been getting away with that for years. It's yours that will be raised.
Now, I think you understand that #indexing is the reform that we passed to protect you from the cruelest tax -- the hidden tax caused by government using #inflation to force you into higher and higher tax brackets. As you get a cost-of-living increase you move up. You're not any better off, you just kept pace with inflation. But suddenly you're in a higher percentage of tax bracket.
Now, believe me, this is one issue that affects every family in Michigan, every family in this country. One way or another my opponent's tax increases would not only stop the economy dead in its tracks; they would put a new and ever-increasing burden on you and your neighbors and your children. And he would turn us back to the old days where the politicians dance and you pay the piper.

The last thing we need now is a return to the policies of tax and tax and spend and spend. Those policies stifled creativity and growth. What we do need is a #TaxPolicy that offers incentives for people to work, save, and invest -- all the things that'll keep the economy growing.

You know, it's hard sometimes to put recent events in historical perspective. We get caught up in everyday things. Sometimes we forget that we're part of a long continuum that stretches back two centuries to a little gathering in Philadelphia.

And those who gathered there envisioned and created a totally new thing in history: a splendid union of States headed by a Federal Government whose members would be elected by the people and who would serve at the sufferance of the people. It was made clear from the beginning that the citizenry would allow the government certain rights -- rights would not flow from the government to the people; it would be the other way around.

Full Transcript:
If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please leave them below. Thanks for watching and make it an outstanding day! *** I am a proud American, blessed father, a staunch 2A activist and a Marine Corps Veteran that just happens to be 100% blind. This is a look at the Second Amendment, firearms, self Defense, Constitutionally protected rights, Liberty and Freedom from the perspective of a Visually Impaired, Blind American.
[email protected]
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