Patriot InTheDark
Patriot InTheDark 24 Jul 2024

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We The People Pt 2/2 馃椊 Reagan Bush Rally Warren, MI 猸愶笍 Ronald Reagan 1984 * PITD

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We The People Pt 2/2 馃椊 Reagan Bush Rally Warren, MI 猸愶笍 #RonaldReagan 1984 * #PITD
October 10, 1984
All over the world there are constitutions. And most of them promise a lot of the same things that ours guarantees. But there's one difference so fundamental that is tells the whole story. All those other constitutions say, ``We, the government, allow you, the people, to do the following things.'' Ours says, ``#WeThePeople, allow you, the government, to do the following things.''
That thing about we the people -- that was changed a bit. And some decided that it was the state from which all blessings flow. So, we started some years ago to send more money and more power to the #FederalGovernment in the hopes that it would give us better lives. But by the 1970's, it was clear that we had created chaos, disorder in the economy, wild inflation, government programs that tore up the fabric of the family and trampled on tradition.

Now, not all of what government has done has been bad. But in recent years, much of it was. And the worse things got, the more the Government took to blaming it on the people. Do you remember a few years ago, where they said the fault was ours? We had a malaise -- that we were never going to have things as good again, and we might as well get used to it.

Well, in 1980 the American people declared their independence once again. We recognized, once and for all, that a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you've got. And we recognize that after all this time, Henry David Thoreau was right: that government is best which governs least.

Now, we need government, of course. But when you go from government to big government -- to government as the neighborhood bully -- it's time for a change, and change we made. We started putting our house in order. When we cut tax rates 25 percent, we said, Washington, you've had enough. And when we cut inflation by two-thirds, we said, Economic chaos, your time is past. And we didn't do this for some of the people -- we didn't do it especially for blacks or whites, or men and women, or old and young; we did it together, and we did it for everybody.

Now, the other side thinks of America as little more than a collection of special interest groups competing against each other, but they ought to wake up to what a #unitedAmerica accomplished while they were busy trying to manipulate this group and that.

I believe that we have returned to a proper understanding of who the American people are. We're the people who crossed the plains, scaled the mountains, won the West. We're the people who came up with the inventions that lit the world and filled it with sound and laughter. We're the people who twice in this century have fought in Europe and stood up for decency for all mankind. We're a people, in short, who don't need the supervision of government sophisticates to tell us what is right and good.

In the past few weeks, I've gone throughout this country, and I've talked to Americans, and I've taken questions from them. And one of the things that I've tried to talk about is how the revolution of 1980 is open to and eager for the help of the rank-and-file members of the Democratic Party. I hope that there are many present here today -- I was one myself once. And whenever I talk about Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Harry Truman or John F. Kennedy, my opponents start tearing their hair out. They just can't stand it. Well, of course they can't, because it highlights how far they, the leadership today of the Democratic Party, has strayed from the strength of the democratic political tradition.

The good and decent Democrats of the rank and file, patriotic Democrats by the millions, they haven't changed. Like their former leaders, they're clear-eyed about the world. They have few illusions, and they consider themselves to be Americans first, and not members of a special interest group.
Full Transcript:
If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please leave them below. Thanks for watching and make it an outstanding day! *** I am a proud American, blessed father, a staunch 2A activist and a Marine Corps Veteran that just happens to be 100% blind. This is a look at the Second Amendment, firearms, self Defense, Constitutionally protected rights, Liberty and Freedom from the perspective of a Visually Impaired, Blind American.
[email protected]
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