LoadsOfBacon 09 Apr 2020

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Wet Tumbling with guntap Brass Shine Powdered Detergent

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Is wet tumbling with Brass Shine better than using a combination of Dawn and Lemi Shine?

Brass Shine certainly got the brass clean. Is it worth the $10-$15/lb price? Only you can decide that for yourself, but there are some advantages to consider:
- formulated specifically for cleaning metal
- little foaming
- convenient; no mixing or measuring specific proportions of separate cleaners
- includes a water softener
- concentrated; 1 lb bags = 25 gallons of cleaning solution
- made in USA

guntap: https://shop.guntap.com/

Affiliate link for guntap Brass Shine Powdered Detergent for sale on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Re5j08
Affiliate link for all guntap products for sale on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2RfPK8p

Brass Shine Detergent use in an ultrasonic cleaner: https://shop.guntap.com/blog/pounderlabs-evaluation-of-brass-shine-detergent-for-ultrasonic-brass-cartridge-cleaning/

Be sure to check out the channel update I posted recently: https://headspace.thereloaders....network.com/2020/03/

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