Gould Brothers
Gould Brothers 31 Aug 2018

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Winchester SXP Pump Shotgun Trick Shots | Throw N Loads | Gould Brothers

In General

Winchester SXP Pump Shotgun Trick Shots | Throw N Load Shots: Here’s part 3 of our Winchester SXP Pump Shotgun trick shot series. A Throw N Load is just like it sounds, you throw your target and then you load your gun. It’s a pretty simple concept, but with some unique variations, we make them much more difficult and hopefully, much more entertaining.

We’re so much cooler online, JOIN US!
► Gould Bros. IG http://bit.ly/GouldBrothersInstagram
► Aaron's IG http://bit.ly/AarongIG
► Steve's IG http://bit.ly/StevegIG
► Facebook http://bit.ly/GouldBrothersFacebook

We take firearm safety very seriously and urge you to ALWAYS follow the firearm safety rules
ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.

🎉 💥 Live Exhibition Shooting Shows 💥🎉
The Gould Brothers perform a one of a kind live trick shooting entertainment show that will amaze you with their shooting feats while making you laugh as they share their stories and compete against each other with “brotherly love”. http://bit.ly/BooktheBros

PRODUCTS WE USE 👉 **** (Place URL of blog post on our website)

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