Tactical Toolbox
Tactical Toolbox 17 Jan 2022

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World's Cheapest Glock Clone...This Should Worry You

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After 1300 rounds with the Palmetto State Armory Dagger I found a Huge Flaw.

Parts List & Codes

Check out MrBigKid

More CHEAP Gun Videos Here

Guide rod assembly was replaced under normal maintenance, due to spring weakening. Round count start was 5500 to 6500 as I was mistaken on the original round count.

This is who also put 1000 rnd through it

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-6I534Tctk - PewPewTactical

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAdnlro9QT0 – Elfsters Rifles and Reloading

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vshW162mRj0 – 704 Tactical

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GY10VsYgYk – Hank Strange

It's going to Beyond Seclusion next.


These videos are for entertainment purposes only. All actions performed in these videos are under the supervision of a trained professional. Tactical Toolbox nor any of the companies are responsible for any injuries or damage caused to your firearm that may result from attempting to recreate the actions made is these videos. Do not try this at home.
** Affiliate disclaimer: some of the above links maybe affiliate links, which may generate me a sales commission. For example, my YouTube Gear listed above is in association with the Amazon affiliate program and I’m an amazon associate.. "

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