GunFreedomRadio 09 Feb 2022

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GunFreedomRadio EP368 2022 Celebrate & Protect the 2A Rally with Mike Sullivan

In General

Our guest today is Mike Sullivan. Mike is the vice-president of Riders United for a Sovereign America (RidersUSA).
Mike has been involved in grass roots activism for the last 10 years. He is a firm believer in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Rule of Law and government by the people. He has been a strong pro gun rights activist and supporter of the right to keep and bear arms.
Mike, along with RidersUSA, AZFirearmsAuctions, and GunFreedomRadio are the organizers of the 9th Annual Celebrate & Protect the 2nd Amendment Rally Event at the AZ State Capitol Building on Saturday, February 19th from 10:am – 2:pm.
1) This family-friendly festival style event is designed to encourage Americans to be involved in protecting our Constitutional Rights. To all of our listeners out there, give us a few ideas on what can each of us can do individually to make a difference.
2) Rallies have recently gotten a black-eye in the Media and it seems there is a push to try to make people afraid to participate in these kinds of gatherings. Let’s talk about what actually goes on at the Celebrate & Protect the 2A Rally happening on Saturday, February 19th at the AZ State Capitol from 10:am – 2:pm.

3) Who are some of the Speakers this year?
4) Just before the Rally you will be leading a motorcycle parade to kick off our festivities. If people want to participate in that, what are the details?
5) If you had one thing you wanted to impart to the MILLIONS of brand new first time gun owners across the US, what would it be?

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