GunFreedomRadio 30 May 2020

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GunFreedomRadio EP205 The Ameri-CAN Series: Toy-Gun Safety & Play with Sheli Walters

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We are doing a series called Ameri-CAN. Talking about the CAN-DO spirit that is part of our American DNA. So much about our lives has been turned upside down by this Corona Virus / Covid-19, and we have been hearing a lot about what we CAN’T do and where we CAN’T go, but our guests during this series are going to talk to us about their area of expertise and all of the ways we still CAN learn and grow, train, connect, and expand our freedoms in ways we maybe haven’t thought about before.

Our guest today is Sheli Walters. Sheli a wife and mother of four, and is the owner of Females with Firearms and Everything Under The Gun that both operate under four basic tenants.

        1) Life is valuable and worth protecting.

        2) Freedom is valuable and worth defending.

        3) Personal responsibility is valuable and worth embracing.

        4) Truth is valuable and worth speaking.

1) You wrote an article in the April 2020 edition of USCCA’s Conceald Carry Magazine on The Essentials of Armed Parenthood, titled “Toy-Gun Guidelines For Safety and Play”. Walk us through the elements of that article.

2) Your family are fulltime boondock RVers. Four kids and two parents in a small living space. And you homeschool your children. You were living the #QuarantineLife before it was cool. What led to deciding to live an unconventional and “unplugged(?)” lifestyle?

3) There is a huge cultural push to shame parents from owning guns and (gasp) teach their children firearms proficiency and safety. Now that millions of first-time gun owners have realized that we are all our own Immediate Responders, the Bloomberg-funded “Moms Demand” group is on overdrive to try to figure out how they are going to continue to say guns and gun owners are bad without exposing how bigoted their group is. In the past they would just make us the “evil and undesirable other”. Since Covid, gun ownership is more “we” than it has been in decades. What do you say to parents to help them resist the shaming?

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