GunFreedomRadio 05 Sep 2018

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"Yankee Doodle Dandy" EP 124 Show Opener By Cheryl Todd

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"Yankee Doodle Dandy" Episode 124

We have all heard this patriotic song, but only recently, as I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about #GeorgeWashington, did I get a better understanding of the origins of the lyrics. It turns out that, in true American fashion, we took an intended insult and flipped it on its head to become a mantle of pride. The Rights Restrictors of the 1780s, the English oppressors, used to make fun of the people they saw as their subjects, the American Colonists, because they saw us as unsophisticated, simple-minded, and down right "deplorable""¦so to speak. They saw our adherence to national pride as silly and offensive. They viewed our desire to be independent as laughable. So, they made up a song to denigrate the liberty-loving Patriots.
Calling us #YankeeDoodleDandy was supposed to demoralize us. A doodle was a simpleton and the phrase "stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni" implied that backwoods bumpkins would put a feather in their coonskin caps and think they were as elegant as the Europeans who dressed the latest in Italian fashion "“ which was known as "macaroni." And, according to journalist, Thomas Fleming,
"When the #RevolutionaryWar ended with the British formally surrendering to the American #Patriots, the British marched with their heads turned away from the lines of victorious Americans. That was intended as an insult, trying to pretend the Americans did not exist. But, the American band struck up their favorite adopted song, #YankeeDoodle, and with a blast of drums and a swirl of fifes, every British head turned, causing them to stare directly into the faces of their former subjects."
Underestimating the spirit of liberty is something the #RightsRestrictors tend to do over and over again. Nowhere is it more apparent than with the topic of firearms and those who own guns. The Rights Restrictors try every tactic to ignore us, villainize us, belittle us, and shame us into silence. And, maybe, for a while, they might even look like they are winning with their hysterical rhetoric and endless schedule of marches, and marches, and more and more marches but ultimately their hot air shows itself as just that "“ baseless, formless, unsustainable puffery. And the more they attempt to place their silencing hands over our mouths, the more they enflame our passion for freedom. The more they attempt to oppress us under the thumb of tyranny the more they strengthen our resolve toward independence.
Every time a celebrity, or politician, or media gossip monger expresses his or her disdain for us Yankee Doodle Patriots the more fuel they add to our tank. And, among the real-life examples of our modern-day Yankee Doodles is #MajToure the founder of #BlackGunsMatter. Maj is a one-man, grassroots, urban outreach. He has traveled the country talking with people who for too long have been drinking of the poisonous Kool-Aid of tyranny. He helps individuals and entire communities to be reminded "“ or learn for the very first time "“ that the US Constitution belongs to all of us. Every word of our Second Amendment, including the clause "shall not be infringed" is every American's inheritance from the original underdogs, those Yankee Doodles. And that spirit runs in the blood of every Patriot in every generation.
When people know and tell the truth the #RightsRestrictors' poison has no power. And their tactics fail, when people recognize their piles of steaming lies for the emotional blackmail that it is. So, in their feeble attempts to discredit @Maj Toure they have called him every denigrating name conceivable. And he, as a badge of honor, continues to stick that feather in his cap with the assurance that he is on the exact right path. Upsetting the exact right people, those Rights Restrictors, who want us to expand their power by giving all of ours away.
And as much as they want to turn their heads away and not notice people like Maj, and people like you, who speak up and instill in our future generations of children and our children's children, the knowledge and values that have been handed down from our Forefathers, the more his words and actions - and yours - cause them to look and see that we are not ever going to be cow-towed and ignored. Because we are indeed going to keep it up, and will broaden our step, and continue to feather our caps, because Maj, and you, and I are proud to be this generation's Yankee Doodle Dandies.
- Cheryl Todd, Gun Freedom Radio Host

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