Suppressed Nation
Suppressed Nation 19 May 2020

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Yankee Hill Machine Resonator K

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The Yankee Hill Machine Resonator K is a suppressor I know many enthusiast have been waiting on! Whether you are wanting a short 30cal for range day work or just want the shortest OAL length suppressor for hunting YHM has you covered!

They first introduced the 556 Turbo K to the market which we believe is one of the best K cans available. Listening to their customers, who are always seeking options when it comes to size, YHM has now released what is sure to be a suppressor that will not sit on the shelves for long!

The Resonator K is a tubeless design made from 17-4 SS, with a 718 Inconel blast baffle. It is full auto rated and designed to handle all you can throw at it!

The muzzle side of the tube is threaded 1 3/8x24 to allow the end user a larger selection of mounting options such as the Dead Air Keymo, Silencerco ASR, Q Plan B, Griffin Armament Plan A, Torrent QD, Hansohn Brothers Ti direct thread & Rex Silentium qd 6 lug.

For more information on the Brüel & Kjær Pulse metering system please visit the link provided below

Pete from Firearm Blog also did a great write up on the Pulse:

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