Shootimbil 18 Mar 2021

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ZEV Pro Trigger for a Glock 43

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ZEV Pro Trigger for a Glock 43

ZEV created the market for GLOCK trigger upgrades. Over the years, our triggers have won more world championships and are in the hands of more professionals than all other after-market triggers, combined.
We did not stop there, beginning two years ago we set out to reinvent our entire product line. After thousands of hours of design and engineering and after hundreds of thousands of rounds of testing, we are proud to announce a product line built from the ground up to perform better and more reliably than anything else on the market.
At the core of our PRO trigger is ZEV's new proprietary trigger bar and professional connector. These products deliver the crispest, cleanest trigger pull available. Finally, our new trigger pad features a revolutionary riveted assembly process that makes it the longest lasting and most reliable replacement trigger on the market

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** Affiliate disclaimer: some of the above links maybe affiliate links, which may generate me a sales commission. For example, my Amazon Store above is in association with the Amazon affiliate program and I’m an amazon associate

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