Gun Websites
Gun Websites 23 Jun 2019

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2A Media Workshop - Grow your 2A Project

In General

We talked for 4 hours today
Many topics
Check it out

Tony Simon -
Jeff Knox -
Patriot in the Dark -
Clover Tac -
Ghost Tactical -
Smeggie42 !! -

Drawing Kalshnikov Patch LIVE - Kalash Patch Batch - First Design created LIVE

Get a set of Cool Kalshnikov Patches
Before they are available anywhere else
Some will never be available anywhere else
Time to Create Some New Kalashnikov Patches

Drawing the 1st Kalshnikov Patch LIVE today
Join us for the show

Contributors will get a FULL set of our new Kalashnikov Patch Designs

One New BIG Patch Design
New Spam Can Design
Funny Kalashnikov Design
& More Designs with Stretch Goals
Like Patches & Kalashnikov Stuff ??

We Got What You Need
& Here is What You Get
The Perks:

$9 - Single Random Kalash Patch (Shipped FREE to USA)
$30 - Set of Kalash Batch Patch (Shipped FREE to USA)
$60 - Two (2) Sets of Kalash Batch Patch (Shipped FREE to USA)
The Details:

We will make as many Patch Designs as possible
Three (3) Kalashnikov Patch Designs for sure
The more funds we raise, the more patch Designs we will make
Full Color, PVC, Velcro Backing (with that 2nd peice of velcro too)
The Patch Designs

The first Kalash Patch will be a BIG Kalshnikov design
Will Create this one LIVE on

The second Kalash Patch will be our NEW Spam Can Design

The third Kalash Patch design will be another fun one

The Project Timeline
This project is already underway, the designs will be finalized while the fundraisng is LIVE
The patches will be created, and shipped to backers in Aug 2019

June 20th - Project goes LIVE
Late June - Create the Patches LIVE on
End of June - Art to the Manufacturers
Hope to see a few patch samples before the campaign ends
July 7th - Fundraisng Ends
Late July - Patch Manufacturing Finished
Early - Mid August - Sets shipped out to Backers
Our Target is to get these Kalash Patches in your hands
before Red Dawn Day (Aug 10th)

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