Gun Websites
Gun Websites 21 Jul 2012

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50rd Drum Magazine in .22lr Fit into Ruger 10-22 or Tec-22 or ZIP-22

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First look at the 50 round 10-22 Drum Magazine for the Ruger 10-22 or the Intratec Tec-22 which both use the same detachable .22lr magazines

This .22lr drum holds 50 rounds and can be loaded or unloaded with your hands with no tools

50rd Drum Magazine for the Ruger 1022 which also fits other guns that use the Ruger Magazine like a ZIP22 or Tec22 pistol

Lets take a look at a drum magazine for the ruger 10-22 takedown

its made by pro-mag drum magazine in the USA and it holds 50 rounds of .22lr ammo

has the same neck you'd see on a standard 10-22 magazine

"He who cannot dance will say: "The drum is bad" - African Proverb


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