Apex's Action Enhancement Kits for the CZ Shadow 2 & CZ 75 B

In General

The Apex Action Enhancement Kits for the CZ Shadow 2 and the CZ 75 B pistols are designed to reduce the large difference in trigger pull weight that exists between the double-action first shot and the subsequent single-action shots to approximately 2 pounds. The hammer and sear have matching Apex engineered single-action engagement surfaces that yield a clean, consistent single-action style trigger break while providing a smooth stack-free double-action. The matched sear and hammer engagement surfaces eliminate the need for any polishing or stoning.

Action Enhancement Kit for the CZ Shadow 2 –> http://bit.ly/ApexThatCZShadow2

Action Enhancement Kit for the CZ 75 B –>http://bit.ly/ApexThatCZ75B

Apex CZ Parts & Kits –> http://bit.ly/ApexThatCZ

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