BIGFOOT LEATHER GUN BELT Unboxing & Initial Impressions

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Oredered my first gunbelt. 18oz steel core heavy duty leather belt from Bigfoot belts. American made quality.

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BRASS 6 years ago

Been looking at Bigfoot for a while and love the thick heavy belt. I wish they would make a version with the ratchet buckle strip for use with that type buckle, or if that's too thick for the buckle, as long as they're using a steel insert, make one with closer retention holes for better sizing.

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Roosted Remains
Roosted Remains 6 years ago

I have never used the ratchet style buckle. I have always wondered if they would strip out over time. The holes are only an inch apart and they have 7 of them. I have been happy with the fit and have carried IWB and OWB so far so good, TFW and the comment

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