Gun Websites
Gun Websites 28 Jul 2018

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Bren Ten 10mm Pistol - The Famous Miami Vice gun, Jeff Coopers 10mm Pistol Design & Concept

In General

Bren Ten 10mm Miami Vice Pistol

taking a look at a Bren Ten an interesting piece of firearms history definitely not one you get to see everyday

it is a 10mm pistol that is iconic in shape
10 round mag
Made in the 1980s for a short time
was going to be rebuilt Bren Ten by VLTOR in Tucson, AZ
that was called the VLTOR Fortis project

It has the Gunsite Raven on the side for Jeff Coopers pistol design
Jeff Cooper provided the design concept, layout criteria and technical advice.

It is heavy at 2 pounds 6.8 ounces (empty)
Scalloped shape is comfortable to hold this large frame semi-auto pistol

pistol Made in California
Dornaus & Dixon Enterprises Inc
15896 Manufacture Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92649


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