GunFreedomRadio 14 Mar 2019

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CPAC 2019 GFR Interview with Willes Lee for NRA Board

In General

We caught up with Willes Lee at #CPAC 2019!

LtCol (ret) Willes Lee is President of the National Federation of Republican Assemblies and a Member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) Board of Directors, assigned to six committees: Chairman Outreach, co-Chairman Collegiate Programs, Military & Veterans Affairs, Legislative Policy, Federal Affairs, Grassroots Development.

Willes is a Life Member of NRA, CCRKBA/SAF, and GOA. In addition to being Co-Chairman of Trump-Pence Second Amendment Coalition, and sits on the ACU Foundation Board (hosts of CPAC). Willes is a former RNC member/State Chairman.

LtCol Lee is a combat veteran who graduated from West Point, and a 22-year Ranger and Airborne qualified Armor officer, who holds a Master's Degree of Public Administration.

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Gun Websites
Gun Websites 6 years ago

Thank You to both of you, it is interesting to hear what Willes has to say, and what he does

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