Freeman's Glock - 3D Printed G17 Frame - Release Trailer

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LisaRichardson66 1 year ago

I make $100h while I'm traveling the world. Last week I worked by my laptop in Rome, Monti Carlo and finally Paris…This week I'm back in the USA. All I do are easy tasks from this one cool site. check it out,

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SarahOneill76 2 years ago

My last month check was for 11000 dollars... Everything I did was basic online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this office I found over the web and they paid me for it 95 bucks each hour... Attempt it yourself....
HERE====)> https://Www.Worksclick.Com

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Jaycen 5 years ago

Nice. I need to fire my 3D printer back up and do a AR lower in PETG.

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Canuck 5 years ago

haha, I love it!

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Pahomka 5 years ago

Hi, Ivan. Can i know, which model of 3d printer do you using? And i think, that i see in video metallic parts in assembling of gun. In your cad's do you have drawing of this parts? Or it's plastic? Thank you!

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IvanTheTroll 5 years ago

Read the readme, it answers all your questions.

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HellRaiser 5 years ago

This is awesome!
Thank you for taking the time to record, edit and post your video.

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Texas Holdem
Texas Holdem 5 years ago

Thanks for the info But you DON'T HAVE TO BE SUCH A ASS HOLE IN YOUR REPLY

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IvanTheTroll 5 years ago

You won't be treated like a moron if you don't act like one. Hold yourself accountable for the dumb things you say. A good way to vet your ignorance is by asking a question - such as "how much would a printer capable of this cost?". I would never assume to call you a moron given that question. But whatever your mess of a comment was indicates you're either a fudd or don't know how to use a keyboard.

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Canuck 5 years ago

@IvanTheTroll: Man, the baby even down voted your replies. lol

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Texas Holdem
Texas Holdem 5 years ago

3D printed gun's,,, Right. All I need is a Gozillion Dollars for the Printer & i'll be OK?

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IvanTheTroll 5 years ago

This frame can be, and has been, printed on a 200 dollar printer. When you're this out of the loop, you should stay quiet. Stops you from looking like a moron. For the cost savings of this vs a factory G17, you can afford that 200 dollar printer. And then print 100 more frames in various colors and textures.

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Jaycen 5 years ago

You can buy a good printer for under $300. The Anet A2 is a fantastic printer, but you must assemble it yourself.

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