GunFreedomRadio 08 Aug 2019

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Gun Freedom Radio with Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

In General

Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman , U.S. Army (Ret.) is the Director, Killology Research Group, an author, a speaker, and a former West Point Psychology Professor. All of this geared toward this one goal: We must protect the children who have been entrusted to our care.
Killology is the scholarly study of the destructive act, just as sexology is the scholarly study of the procreative act. In particular, killology focuses on the reactions of healthy people in killing circumstances (such as police and military in combat) and the factors that enable and restrain killing in these situations.
On Gun Freedom Radio, Col. Grossman discussed the ever more addictive qualities of modern video games and the negative impact they can have on not only adults but very much on our children and teens. Also, that disarming citizens in the name of "protecting society" is to create a society of empowered criminals. Further, he discussed the "contagion effect" that over-reporting by the Network News on any one event can cause, even when the name of the murderer is not used. Finally, Col. Grossman offered some helpful resources for parents, churches, and schools including FASTERSavesLives, which he will be discussing at a Safe Schools & Healthy Students Seminar, hosted by the AzCDL Foundation, on September 14, 2019 in Phoenix, AZ.

#ColGrossman #Killology #MassMurder #SchoolShootings #AbnormalPsychology #RedFlagLaws #MentalHealth #SchoolSafety #SafeSchools #HealthyStudents #DaveGrossman #FASTER #FASTERSavesLives #Terrorists #MallShooting #ChurchShootings #WorkplaceViolence #SchoolMassacres #Safety #EmpoweredCriminals #GunControl #VideoGames #Gaming #ContagionEffect #ScreenStrong #Hojutsu #NRA #NRAAM #Sheepdog #MediaViolence #VideoGameViolence #Addiction #SecondAmendment #2A #GFR #GunFreedomRadio

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Gun Websites
Gun Websites 5 years ago

another great interview, Thank You both
I've shared this one around

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