GunFreedomRadio 17 Apr 2020

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GunFreedomRadio EP185 The Ameri-CAN Series: #EducationNOTLegislation with Dianna Muller

In General

We are doing a series called Ameri-CAN. Talking about the CAN-DO spirit that is part of our American DNA. So much about our lives has been turned upside down by this Corona Virus / Covid-19, and we have been hearing a lot about what we CAN’T do and where we CAN’T go, but our guests during this series are going to talk to us about their area of expertise and all of the ways we still CAN learn and grow, train, connect, and expand our freedoms in ways we maybe haven’t thought about before.

Our guest today is Dianna Muller is a retired police officer, who served 22 years with the Tulsa Police Department. She is part of the Benelli 3-Gun and the founder of The DC Project.

#1) Tell us about the DC Project?

The mission of the DC Project Foundation is to raise awareness among community members, including legislators, that firearms safety and violence prevention are achieved through EDUCATION, not legislation; to encourage the PRESERVATION of America’s gun culture from conservation and commerce to competitive sports, hunting, and self-defense; and to highlight the diversity and rising demographic of female gun owners through
ongoing ADVOCACY because gun rights are women’s rights.

#2) How can people spend this time of #QuarantineLife to get more connected to their Constituitinal Rights and their elected Officials?

#3) What is #tealfor2A ?

#4) You’ve talked a lot about corporate activism. What do you mean by that term?
Basically, anti gun groups are using their positions or gaining positions on the boards of major companies and banks, and presenting shareholder resolutions to cut ties with the firearms community. Some of it is basically blackmail, “if you don’t cut ties with the NRA we will unleash a campaign against you and make a PR nightmare”, but some are like the owner of Dicks Sporting Goods, that really believe it’s his duty of social justice, even if it means losing money.

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Gun Websites
Gun Websites 5 years ago

another great conversation, thank you for this series

I did not know about the additional role of the DC Project Reps to do work at state level as well, so AWESOME

thank you all for the hard work you do

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