Gun Websites
Gun Websites 19 Sep 2009

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How to Load an AK47 Drum Magazines - Chinese style 75 round Bulgarian made Kalashnikov Drum Mag

In General

Quick overview of loading both types of AK47 drum magazine
We look at the open back style as well as the 'Romanian ' style 75 round AK drum mag

if you need to learn how how to load an AK-47 drum mag this is a step by step guide to loading the ammunition and then winding the magazine

The Russian AK47 drum magazine is different from the Chinese Kalashnikov 75 round drum magazine and they're both different than the Romanian AK47 drum magazines

this Chinese style (this one Bulgarian made Actually) AK47 Drum Magazine is like the Kalashnikov Drum Mag in most ways

AK47 Buyers Guide


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