Gun Websites
Gun Websites 13 Jul 2011

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KelTec PMR-30 vs FN-57 Speed Test - KelTec vs FN - .22 mag vs 5.7x28mm the Ultimate Ammo Test

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KelTec PMR30 vs FN57 Speed Test
.22mag vs 5.7x28mm ultimate ammo test
Side by side ammo comparison 5.7x28 against 22 magnum

These two guns are almost the same, the FN Five seveN pistol against the Kel Tec PMR30

Many people concider the PMR30 to be the sexist gun in the world, do you?

The FN Five-seveN is hands down the ugliest gun in the world, so they go well together 5.7x28mm is dumb, expensive and hard to find.. only rich people can own or shoot these guns

anyone can buy .22 magnum so the KelTec is not so bad

FN Five-seveN
1719 fps
1639 fps
1696 fps
1688 fps
1734 fps
1695.2 average fps

KelTec PMR-30
1311 fps
1367 fps
1369 fps
1348 fps
1348.75 average fps


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