Gun Websites
Gun Websites 01 Jul 2018

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Masterpiece Arms Protector .380acp

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Masterpiece Arms Protector .380acp

Phil Cashin co-owner of Masterpiece Arms showed us around the MPA factory and facilities during our visit near Atlanta, GA

Phil showed us, how their products are developed and we talked about some new things on the way for MPA

We are happy to be able to share this information and a behind the scenes look at how this US company is making a great product at a reasonable price while maintaining quality.
Their ability to adapt and improve their current products while developing new products is impressive and encouraging.

Please enjoy this interview and watch the Masterpiece Arms Story & Interview video as well

Masterpiece Arms (MPA) Interview

Masterpiece Arms

Masterpiece Arms Protector .380acp

Masterpiece Arms (MPA) Factory Tour


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