Pocono Tactical
22 Jan 2020
Militia Logistics - information supplies security
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Red Dawn Militia Playlist
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I like how you draw a parallel with history in your videos, however i think there's a couple of important things you leaving out.
1- The civilians who "cooperate" don't always do it because they're traitors. Simply ask yourself the question : would you rather see your family starve to death or keep on working, partly for the invaders ? Not everyone is fit for fighting (the children, the elderly...), and the truth is, as you said so yourself, there wont be much fighting to be done while the invading force is there in full force.
2- If you lead guerilla-type attacks, there will ALWAYS be retaliations. If your group of militia men are able to hide in the woods good for them, but the invading force will probably gather innocent civilians, let's say 10 for each victim on their side, and execute them publicly effectively turning the population against the resistance. In France the actual attacks fought by the resistance in the occupied zone were done as the German army was retreating. You realistically don't fight a war while everybody including your whole family is being held at gunpoint.
In France one part of the resistance was made of young men who lived hidden in the mountain. They behaved worse than bandits, killing even anti-german civilians who didn't want to bow to them, fighting (with guns) other factions of the resistance over resources. Things are not always either black or white and there's a thin line beyond which the so-called "patriots" become worse than the invaders.