Gun Websites
Gun Websites 20 Jun 2013

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Multi Caliber Revolver, Medusa M-47 Shoots .380 acp, 9mm, 357 magnum, and 25 other calibers

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Medusa Model 47 multi caliber Revolver made by Phillips & Rodgers in the late 1990s

One revolver chambers 25 multiple calibers in the same cylinder

This revolver shoots .380 acp, 9mm, 9mm win mag, 38 special, 357 magnum, and over 20 other calibers

Very cool, very rare.. I wish we had the chance to shoot it, but here is a quick look at one and some of the many calibers it can chamber and shoot safely

The Phillips & Rodgers Model 47 cylinder is made of mil spec 4330 modified vanadium steel which allows this multiple caliber revolver to shoot so many types of bullets


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david a.mourino
david a.mourino 5 years ago

where can I purchase one I loe the versability ngreat for camping

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Highstranger 6 years ago

Notice how much smaller diameter the 380’s case is... it’s quite the myth about “9mm short”

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Surculus 5 years ago

Rimless vs. a bunch of rimmed carts [38 Super is semi-rimmed. Whatevs...] 380acp is also straight-walled, whereas the 9mm P is a tapered case. It all adds up... ;-)

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sixshootertexan 6 years ago

Got a friend that has one.

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OakValian90 6 years ago


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Roosted Remains
Roosted Remains 7 years ago

From what I habe read there is only about 250 of these revolvers in the US. You are lucky to be even holding one. What a great opportunity . Thanks G

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