Polymer80 Large Fame PF45 Build 45 Calibers Of Boom!

In General

The large frame polymer 80 frames have been one that many have waited for. Whether you are planning to build 10mm or 45cal your options are there. I have to say the slimmer grip profile on the PF45 was a nice change from the larger factory glock frames. I found this to be a very natural point of aim and I was able to run it fast and accurate with my factory glock 21c slide and barrel. In all this is a must for my collection and many others that want the larger size rounds.

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Build List
Full PF45 Build Kit 45 Caliber
Full PF45 Build Kit 10mm
Full PF45 Kit Custom RMR Slide 45

PF45 Frames
Complete LoanWolf slide Full Custom
Brownells Glock 21 Match Barrels
Glock Factory Magazines

SSVI TYR Glock 21 Trigger
Overwatch Poly DAT Trigger
Ameriglo Agent Sights

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~~~For Mail Call~~~

Tactical Considerations
P.O. Box 1133
Queen Creek, AZ 85142


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