Gun Websites
Gun Websites 01 Feb 2010

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Ruger P90 .45 acp Drum Magazine

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Quick look at a Pro-Mag 40 round Drum Magazine for the Ruger P-90 pistol in .45 acp

This 45acp drum mag loads 40 rounds of ammo into the ruger P90 pistol

I have only seen the one 40 round ruger drum mag, when we filmed this video, but haven't seen these drum mags since.

Do you know where to buy a Ruger Forty Round Drum Magazine?

How cool would this be in the Ruger Patrol Carbine? this 40 round drum mag would be the perfect choice for the Ruger carbines IMO

In another video we hope to load this drum mag, it is a bit tedious to load it


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vido 5 years ago

Nice !

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