Gun Websites
Gun Websites 04 Feb 2012

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Shooting M6 Scout Rifle: Springfield Armory Survival Rifle Extra 22lr Ammo in the stock

In General

M6 Scout: Shooting (3 of 3)
m6 scout survival rifle is very hard to find for sale
Springfield M6 Scout Rifle comes in many calibers with Extra 22lr Ammo in the stock

Springfield Armory makes these rifles now
the M6 Scout Rifle .22 LR is the Springfield Armory Survival Rifle

we put together this M6 Scout from 2 parts, the barrels and the stock / action, held together with just one pin

the extra ammo is in the stock
we shoot powderless .22lr we shoot Gemtech quiet .22lr and some other types including .22lr shot shells

then we shoot the M6 scout rifle which is NOT an SBR (Short Barrel Rifle) like the actual military model M6 Survival rifle would be

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