Gun Websites
Gun Websites 08 May 2010

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Shooting Suppressed .22 Pistol Ruger MkIII PacLite

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This was a really cool Ruger .22 pistol when it first came out (in 2010)

The Ruger MkIII 22/45 Pac-Lite Threaded End barrel, with a Gemtech Outback II suppressor was VERY quiet and light weight

it wasn't the first suppressed .22 pistol, but it was once of the first that was easy to acquire "off the shelf". not too long before 2010 it was a custom job to get a .22 pistol and suppressor combo since few companies made factory threaded barrels

Shooting Suppressed .22 Pistol is quiet, easy and FUN give it a try if you haven't already


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