Gun Websites
Gun Websites 14 Feb 2009

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Tactical Innovations 10/22 Gatling Gun Kit - Build your own Gatling Gun in 22lr

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Shooting the Tactical Innovations 10/22 Gatling Gun kit
We were test firing two Ruger 10/22 rifles mounted in a Tactical Innovations 10/22 Gatling Gun kit. This kit lets the shooter fire both 10/22 rifles safely.

This Gatling Gun Kit is NOT an NFA firearm because each pull of the trigger fires just one bullet.
Uses 2 Ruger 10/22 rifles

CNC machined from billet aluminum

This is a fun way to shoot 50 rounds of .22 lr ammo.

We shot this review at South East Regional Park in Tucson, Arizona


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jsr5 4 years ago

Now get a pair of binary triggers the bsfII ones and really run that puppy.

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Gun Websites
Gun Websites 4 years ago

that could be interesting

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