19 Feb 2019
50 sub Give Away!!!!! Thanks Thank You All
In General
We've hit 50 subs, so it's time for me to give back to you guys who supported me.
We're giving away a Bullseye Holsters "Emotional Support Pistol" holster to one lucky subscriber.
Just commemt down below and tell me what your current EDC is? If you don't have one, tell me what you would like it to be.
Give away will run until Thursday February 28th. Drawing will be done Thursday around noon. If you're a subscriber and comment you're automatically entered.
Good luck everyone and thank you all for your support.
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Congratulations pal, of course you know my EDC since you watched my #EDCChallenge but if not. I use my SIG P238, 1791 Gun Leather holster, or maybe something else pending on the day.
My EDC for almost 25 years now is a S&W 629 in a Bianchi shoulder rig.
Glock 26 or the Walther PPS m2 hope to rotate theCz P07 into the rotation
Thank you all for your support. Thank you all who participated in the GAW.
Drawing will be tomorrow around lunchtime here on the east coast.
I'm running a YouTube give away also, so I will be drawing this and the YouTube winner live tomorrow.
I'll try and throw a link over here as well if anyone wants to join me.
Thanks again and remember you still have until tomorrow to participate by making a comment here.
Congrats! Current EDC is S&W M&P Shield 380 EZ
Glock 22
Glock 45
Glock 19
I carry the Glock 42 everyday for now
How you subscribe on here the check mark on top?
Congratulations Smith & Wesson model 69
Congrats! Glock 42, of course.
Summer EDC is a Baretta Nano, winter carry is a G27, both In WBC IWB holsters.
1911 ms rock island 4.25" 45 acp . My favorite gun is my rock island 1911 .
Awesome guys. Thank you all.
Most a g19 or a lcp
Ruger LC9s
340 pd .357 mag in a IWB Galco holster today.
S&W 442
WOOHOO, more GAWs! My EDC is one of two S&W M&P Shields, either the EZ 380 or the 40.
Glock 43
So glad I found my way back here! Love the revolver!
Doubling my chances. My EDC is CZ P07. Thanks for sharing Brother Looks like I’m Subscriber number 53
congrats on 50 subs here my EDC is my Taurus PT111G2 the one we have a video out on, over a 1000 rounds and still going strong.
EDC is a S&W M&P 9 full size
Congrats on 50 on Gun Streamer. I'm still packing my OG M&P Shield in 9mm. Been thinking of adding night sights and or a crimson trace laser on it though.
Nice job pal, of course my EDC is a Sig P238 Equinox. Of course I am going to be picking up a CZ 75D compact in the next few weeks.
I definitely think that holster is pretty funny