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California 2020 gun laws
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SMH:California 2020 gun laws
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Steampunk rifle - Fully functional! You've GOT to see this!!
FireMountainOutdoors · 21218 Views
Indian Creek Designs BFD Blast Forwarding Device - Review
FireMountainOutdoors · 15782 Views
How to - Dying Sand colored Magpul PMAG's with RIT Dye
FireMountainOutdoors · 23438 Views
8:56 Colt Trooper M4Colt LE6920-R AR15 -Unboxing and initial thoughts HD
FireMountainOutdoors · 9295 Views
Pros and cons: M-LOK and KEYMOD vs PICATINNY Mil-Std-1913 RAIL
FireMountainOutdoors · 10208 Views
The best way to cut down mass shooting, is to give the people the ability to shoot the mass shooter. Not disarm them. that helps the mass shooter.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not another inch!
Is not just self defense,is a guarantee 2nd amend,right, to insure tyrant never oppress the people. and gov, never go rogue like they are doing now. complaining never works. more drastic measure's must be adopted. The people must raise to tyranny and defeated.
Any gun control is infringement. Gun control has never stopped a criminal from getting guns and it does not work. Chicago proves this. Strictest gun control in the nation and the highest gun deaths in the nation. Armed criminals are still killing unarmed citizens who cannot defend themselves. Armed criminals love gun control. It makes it easier for them to commit their crimes when the citizen is disarmed and cannot shoot back.