Colt LE6945CQB evolved Mk18 | AR Pistol

In General

This video reviews my Colt LE6945 CQB AR pistol. Known for its monolithic upper receiver and 10.3" chrome lined barrel. This being an Agency trade in has a Government profile Cold Hammer Forged barrel that's Alonso found on Colt LE6943 11.5" Agency trade in upper receivers. Only found on those two Agency trade in models for Military and Law Enforcement.
Video also talks about the various versions of the Colt LE6940 models including the Piston Carbine LE6940p.
This video is the introduction to my AR pistol project using this LE6945CQB currently using the SB Tactical SBA3 pistol brace and the parts to be changed out to make it a more viable suppressor combat ready rifle / pistol. Each video will have an unboxing of the new part and video clips shooting the AR pistol demonstrating the manual of arms and thoughts on new part. Not every part may remain and that's why I do these videos so that others can see the options out there. What works and what doesn't.

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