MGI D-Fender , internal parts for 10.3" AR15 pistol | Colt LE6945 AR pistol project

In General

Video goes over some of the parts I use on my AR15 rifles. This video is specific to this Colt LE6945 10.3" pistol. Some parts differ from rifle to rifle. The MGI D-Fender D-Ring goes in all of my AR rifles. I show the D-Ring up towards the top of the extractor spring for better visual since it's black n extractor is black. When installed it needs to be pushed up against the extractor wall with round part of D-ring symmetric to round part of extractor.
Lubrications- I use almost strictly CLP and Battle Born by Breakthrough on AR type rifles. I have and do use Balistol, white lithium grease, CLP, and Breakthrough Battle Born grease and hugh purity oil on a lot of my AK type rifles and pistols. It just depends on what and how I'm applying to. I like balistol for cleaning out the gas port hole for instance on an AK.
The video includes other parts, but does NOT show assembly of any of them.
Model of AR pistol used in project: Colt LE6945CQB

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