Gun Websites
Gun Websites 11 Jul 2018

Gun Show Loophole Tour - Gun Websites

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Copper Custom Gun Shop Valparaiso, Indiana - Custom Gun Refinishing, Gunsmithing in Indiana

In General

Stopped by and talked to Tim and toured the shop and facilities. Its a great operation, they do it all from gun sales to finishing and refinishing and even firearms manufacturing & Gunsmithing in Indiana

Custom Armament  
2600 Beech St
Valparaiso, IN 46383
(219) 841-6532

The shop started in in 2014 and moved to this new larger facility in January 2017. they do custom gun refinishing, gunsmithing and manufacturing. They strive to provide customers with the best gun buying experience in the industry. Good Gun Shop in Indiana

Gun Shop Valparaiso, Indiana are a few hours from Chicago,IL or Indianapolis, IN. Its a cool shop and worth the drive to check it out

we stopped by and talked to MAC at Copper Custom in Valparaiso, Indiana

their shop is about an hour+ outside Chicago, its a cool place with lots of inventory

We talked to Tim and saw a bit of the shop and places they film the you tube videos

Buy a Military Arms Channel patch !!
Tour of Copper Custom Tour

Another stop on the Gun Show Loophole Tour 2017


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