Pocono Tactical
Pocono Tactical 17 Dec 2018

Favorite Training Videos - Pocono Tactical

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Getting your Draw and Presentation perfect

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Practicing the basic draw and then adding layers to that.
- Practice coming out of the holster with your eyes closed, then open them, to test if your sites are automatically lined up. If they don't automatically line up when you go to full extension, you need to fix your Technique so they do.
- if you can get your sights to line up automatically when you go to extension, you will be able to shoot faster.
- if you are extending your arms consistently the same way every time, then in low light conditions when it is dark, you might still hit your target even if you can not see the sites well.
- adding extra layers of drills to the basics, does not take anything away from the basics. It gives you an opportunity to practice your basics draw and presentation even more.

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