Pocono Tactical
Pocono Tactical 04 Dec 2018

Favorite Training Videos - Pocono Tactical

41 / 56

Harries Night Shooting Method

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High Desert Drew
High Desert Drew 6 years ago

Good vid, it's nice to see some other people getting out and playing in the dark. It's really something i don't see enough of. Also your camera did a pretty decent job, probably would have been worth raking up the shotgun shells, sometimes they were louder than your voice. Double kudos for going out in the snow and doing it.

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Pocono Tactical
Pocono Tactical 6 years ago

Thank you for your comments and feedback. Bad shit usually happens in bad weather in the dark. That's what we need to be training for.

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Pocono Tactical
Pocono Tactical 6 years ago

I wish we had an edit button. I had to write and delete this post three times to get it right, lol

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High Desert Drew
High Desert Drew 6 years ago

@Pocono Tactical: I run a 2/3 gun style night match periodically, main reason I have zero video of it, is most of the video I've taken is just movement in darkness with occasional flashes of light. I'm currently modifying some cameras (removing the hot mirror) to get some better low light performance, and then light things up with IR floods. At least that way the competitors can't see (unless they're shooting with NVGs, but then it might be too bright)

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