IvanTheTroll 18 May 2019

Project ButWhatAbout - Barrels - Summary

In General

This video is a summary of Project ButWhatAbout's Barrel quest. This video IS NOT a tutorial on ECM-ing your own barrels - that will come later. This video serves to put all the progress in one place, and summarize all the lessons learned so far.


Project ButWhatAbout is a quest to make a 21st century realization of Luty's SMG - a gun made of no gun parts. We have tools Luty could only dream of in consumer hands - 3d printers. Using printers in harmony with metalworking techniques, we can make a 9mm pistol caliber carbine - the FGC9 - entirely from scratch, using zero "gun" parts (per the EU definition of "gun" parts).

Live Free or Die.

Complete ECM DIY Barrel Package + Tutorial:

email me: [email protected]
Keybase: IvanTheTroll

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SarahOneill76 2 years ago

My last month check was for 11000 dollars... Everything I did was basic online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this office I found over the web and they paid me for it 95 bucks each hour... Attempt it yourself....
HERE====)> https://Www.Worksclick.Com

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Thor Kill
Thor Kill 5 years ago

They have magnets in the bottom of some oil pans to trap metal filings.

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Jay_Besser 5 years ago

The "sludge" is ferrous, right? Would a magnet sitting in the bottom of the bucket keep the water a little cleaner? Maybe a couple magnets from some old speakers. Great work!

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IvanTheTroll 5 years ago

Most of the sludge is ferrous - a magnet could help to "filter" some.

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Texas Holdem
Texas Holdem 6 years ago

YouTube doesn't allow anything related to gun making.
Now that I understand more bout Printing i'm getting Serious Interested.
Great video And now that I see a gun friendly site i'm going to try to make more videos Again And re-introduce my Texas Holdem Holsters that Jeff @ GunBlast Promoted Way Back when

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Heelcatcher 6 years ago

Yo, what’s up with YouTube taking down your account?

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IvanTheTroll 6 years ago

YouTube doesn't allow anything related to gun making.

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Canuck 6 years ago

Heelcatcher - Google/Youtube deletes anyone that thinks there is only 2 genders, lol .. where have you been? You can't do or say anything that contradicts the Leftie ideology today. Millions of people have been deleted from Google's Youtube just for comments that make the Lefties run to their safe spaces., lol

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