ammodotcom 10 Apr 2019

Remington Ammo - History

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Eliphalet Remington founded E. Remington & Sons in 1816 in Ilion, New York. Growing up a blacksmith’s son, he learned how to make rifle barrels during a visit to a major manufacturer and returned ready to grow the family business. He built a flintlock rifle, and took the rifle with him to a shooting match. He didn’t win the target competition, but he did win the business of several of his competitors.

The Remington rifle business was officially born, and has grown into the oldest manufacturer of firearms in the United States. They are an iconic gun brand that is the only company in the nation to produce both firearms and ammunition domestically, the largest producer of rifles and shotguns in the U.S., and the largest developer and adopter of cartridges in the world.

The company incorporated in 1865, and introduced their famous rolling block rifle. In 1888, Marcellus Hartley and partners acquired E. Remington & Sons, reorganized the business, and renamed it Remington Arms Company.

In 1912, Remington Arms merged with the Union Metallic Cartridge Company to form Remington UMC. Not many years later, they constructed a new plant in Ilion, New York, which continues to operate to this day. During WWI, Remington had contracts to produce M1907-15 Berthier rifles for France, Enfield rifles for Britain, and 1891 Mosin-Nagant rifles for Russia.

In 1940, the U.S. government requested Remington to establish an ordinance plant. They located the plant in Independence, Missouri, and called it Lake City. Remington opened a total of five plants in the early years of WWII, where they manufactured their iconic M1903 Springfield bolt action rifle chambered for the .30-06.

A decade later, Remington introduced one of the most popular shotguns ever made – the Remington Model 870 “Wingmaster,” a 12 gauge pump action shotgun. Through the 1960s, Remington introduced the plastic shotgun shell, the Model 1100 autoloading shotgun, and the Model 700 bolt action rifle.

By the 90s, their focus was on their core community of firearms enthusiasts. Remington recently returned to manufacturing handguns with their M1911 clone chambered in .45 ACP, and their R-15 and R-25 rifles inspired by the AR-15.

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