Gun Websites
Gun Websites 02 Sep 2018

Bullet of the Day - Gun Websites

75 / 94

Shooting .50 Caliber Air Rifle, We shoot Dragons Claw 50 cal Airgun by Sam Yang

In General

We shoot a .50 Caliber Air Rifle called the Dragons Claw by Sam Yang

This is an accurate rifle that needs no federal paperwork to buy, is about as loud as a suppressed .22 (quieter than any power tool) and it is powerful enough to hunt deer with and is cheaper to shoot than almost any other type of firearm

Max. Muzzle Velocity: up to 680 f.p.s.
Muzzle Energy: 230 ft/lbs
Max. Fill Pressure: 3,000 psi
21.60" rifled barrel
42.10" long
7.5 lbs

Charles Heller of America Armed & Free will be interviewing the guys from Pyramyd Air this Sunday (3-18-12) at 1pm AZ time on his live radio show 1030 AM in Tucson, AZ.
He has been reviewing this Large Bore Air Rifle for the interview and we joined him at the range to see how it shoots.

Dragon Claw Air Rifle by Sam Yang:

Liberty Watch, Sunday 12 - 1 PM, MST
So that government remains the servant, not the master.

America Armed & Free 1 - 2 PM, MST.
Your most up to date info on your right to keep and bear arms, on AM 1030 Tucson, your blowtorch of freedom!

Call in line 520 790 2040


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litlesilver 6 years ago

Great video, it looks like a 12 gauge auto,i have been watching some ratting videos were they go in to take out rats that over populated on farms using air rifles with night scopes.No noise deadly accurate, air rifles come along way and there still fun .

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